Survivor’s Manual:
Be Strong In
Face of Crisis
Five Powerful Tools to
Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Strength
with Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf, LL.B M. Ed. Psych. D. Div.
Best selling author and spiritual mentor who was the special key note speaker at the Gawler International Mind/Body Conference and the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, sharing with you the Kabbalistic wisdoms:
~ Skills of adaptability
~ Why is it happening right now? – the Kabbalah answers
~ Stop worrying - nurturing a positive psychology
~ Focus on your strengths , not weaknesses
~ Protect your mental and physical health
Monday, November 9, 2009 at 7:00pm
at Chabad Jewish Ctr.
195 S. Main St. Suite #4
Suggested Donation: $18 per person
RSVP @ [email protected]
For more info. please call 303.678.7595